Craps Dice Control

Your Nice Shooting

Craps dice control is, in essence, controlled shooting at the craps table. Proponents of this strategy believe that shooters can control the outcome of their dice throw by the way they hold and throw the dice. Many players strongly believe in the strategy of craps dice control and its effectiveness. If you are interested in trying out craps dice control then there are a few elements you need to consider-the setting of the dice, your grip and the delivery of your throw.

The setting of the dice is extremely important. The setting refers to the way that the dice are set up together in your hand. One common setting for dice control enthusiasts is the 3-V set. In this set the dice are set up so that the threes are facing up and adjacent to one another so that the pips on the dice are in a V-shape.

Once the dice are set it's time to think about your grip. The grip refers to how you hold on to the dice. Some players like to hold on to the dice with all five fingers, while others prefer holding the dice with only two fingers. You'll want to make sure that you are putting an equal amount of pressure on each die you are holding and establish your personal gripping style. To really make craps dice control work you need to grip the dice in exactly the same way each time you shoot.

Finally, you need to focus on the delivery. When it comes time to throw the dice you need to make sure to throw them so that they hit the wall on the other side of the table. You also want to control the spin, speed and direction of your throw. Each throw should be done in exactly the same way for maximum success.

If you want to make craps dice control work for you then understand that it takes practice. Practice perfecting your set, grip and delivery so that you can maximize the success of this popular live craps strategy.

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